Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fake Christians � NBA Great Charles Barkley Calls Conservatives ‘Fake Christians’:
The day will come that barkley will eat his words. If he knew anything, us “fake” Christians live by a standard that all will be judged by. If we are going to judge others, we should be willing to be judged by the same standard. We love people and forgive them, we just don’t like their actions. Same sex marriage and killing babies to name a few things, will only bring God’s judgement on this country. Anyway, by 2014, he won’t need to run for govenor, the USSA won’t need any govenors. Did he get hit in the head too many times?

Drudge still seems like a relatively painless way of checking in with the perspectives of some people with outlooks different from mine. This morning Drudge had a link to a clip of CNN's "Situation Room", in which Wolf Blitzer interviews Charles Barkley, and with Barkley expressing disgust with conservatives, whom he carelessly lumped all together with the label of "fake Christians".

I don't watch "Situation Room" and I don't much care what Charles Barkley has to say, but looking at a few of the comments at the link Drudge provided yielded the gem I quoted above with some added emphasis.

In particular, I was struck by the casual certainty so perfectly reflected in the phrase, "... Christians live by a standard that all will be judged by".

For some reason, I'm reminded of the reaction I received the other day when, responding to a call about a computer malfunction in a control center, I jokingly blamed the malfunction on the perpetual presence of Fox News on a large television image projected on the wall. The operators present saw little humor in my suggestion.

Oh, well...

I like this piece about "conservatives".

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