Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Title 41, chapter 12, article 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 41-1772, to read:
START_STATUTE41-1772. Ammunition coding system database; sale of ammunition; tax; fund; civil penalty; violation; classification; definition
My son and I joined the NRA a few months ago when we went to one of the gun shows we have here in Arizona (seemingly all the time). What the hell might as well sort of decision it was.
I'm pretty distant from what I imagine the political centroid of the NRA to be, but here are some Democrats giving me gas. Serial numbers on bullets? They've got to be kidding! Presumably these are bright individuals, so what gives? No wonder I'm an independent!
Serial numbers on bullets... Ridiculous. Ridiculous and sneaky, as is most incrementalism.
Oh, well... Read it and weep, as they say:
A. Beginning january 1, 2009, a manufacturer shall code all handgun and ASSAULT weapon AMMUNITION that is manufactured or sold in this state. This section applies to all calibers.I think I'll probably buy another gun with my economic stimulus windfall. I think Ruger still makes guns in this country. Maybe a nice pocket pistol. I've always wanted a mini-14, even if it is much more expensive than a decent SKS.
b. Beginning january 1, 2011, a private citizen or a retail vendor shall dispose of all noncoded AMMUNITION that is owned or held by the citizen or vendor.
c. The department shall establish and maintain an ammunition coding system database containing a manufacturer registry and a vendor registry.
D. A manufacturer shall:
1. Register with the department in a manner prescribed by the department by rule.
2. Maintain records on the business premises for at least seven years concerning all sales, loans and transfers of ammunition to, from or within this state.
3. Encode ammunition provided for retail sale for regulated firearms in a manner that the director establishes so that:
(a) The base of the bullet and the inside of the cartridge casing of each round in a box of ammunition are coded with the same serial number.
(b) Each serial number is engraved in such a manner that it is highly likely to permit identification after ammunition discharge and bullet impact.
(c) The outside of each box of ammunition is labeled with the name of the manufacturer and the same serial number used on the cartridge casings and bases of bullets contained in the box.
4. Pay the tax levied by subsection I of this section.
E. A manufacturer shall not label ammunition contained in one ammunition box with the same serial number as the ammunition contained in another ammunition box that is produced by the same manufacturer.
F. A vendor shall:
1. Register with the department in a manner prescribed by the department by rule.
2. Record the following information in a format prescribed by the department:
(a) The date of the transaction.
(b) The name of the purchaser.
(c) The purchaser's driver license number or other government issued identification card number.
(d) The date of birth of the purchaser.
(e) the unique identifier of all handgun ammunition or bullets transferred.
(f) All other information prescribed by the department.
3. Maintain records on the business premises for at least three years after the date of the recorded purchase.
G. The department shall establish the ammunition coding system database within the framework of any existing firearms databases.
H. Access to information in the ammunition coding system database is reserved for law enforcement personnel. The department shall only release information in connection with a criminal investigation.
I. A tax of one-half cent is levied on each bullet or round of ammunition that is sold in this state. The department of revenue shall collect the tax and deposit the tax, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the coded ammunition fund established by subsection J of this section.
J. The coded ammunition fund is established consisting of monies deposited pursuant to subsection I of this section. The department shall administer the fund. Subject to legislative appropriation, monies in the fund shall be used for the purpose of establishing and maintaining the ammunition coding system database prescribed by this section.
K. a manufacturer that fails to comply with this section is subject to a civil penalty of not more than one THOUSAND dollars for the first violation, not more than five thousand dollars for a second violation and not more than ten thousand dollars for any subsequent violation.
L. a vendor who knowingly fails to comply with this section or who knowingly falsifies the records REQUIRED to be kept by this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.
M. a person who knowingly destroys, obliterates or otherwise renders unreadable the coding REQUIRED by this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.
N. for the purposes of this section, "code or coded" means a unique identifier that has been APPLIED by etching onto the base of a bullet or ammunition projectile.
Bullet serial numbers. Right...
This is just like the laws that some of the states have with carrying guns both with a concealed license and if your state has open carry laws which don't require a license. The controversy over these laws is that it only works for law abiding citizens. Robbers, gang bangers, drug dealers, will still do as they please and now!,… we will just open up a market for some real independents to make black market ammunition that may have the potential of not picking up barrel striations making the bullet totally untraceable then!!! I really think that the government and other officials need to think this over again and reconsider the potential can of worms that will be “not might be” opened with such a move.
ReplyDeletethe tax is only going to be 25 cents more on a box if you read in detail.... if you really have a problem with simple numbers on a bullet what do you have to hide???? its for safety.
ReplyDeleteI could care less about the tax, although it's just another way to take my hard earned money from me!
ReplyDeleteThe unfortunate part is it's another way to interfere with law abiding citizens being able to protect themselves. This is just another way for the government to get in the way. Like the first comment stated, it leaves the thugs to do as they please and creates a new black market.
The government needs to leave us alone and find a better solution to the problem. Most crimes aren't committed with registered guns and not by law abiding citizens.
There's going to be a lot more "gun control" issues to hit the table soon and it's not going to be good!
The tax is insignificant compared to the increased cost of each round. The bullet and shell must be marked and matched, then matched to a box. Can you imagine the logistics involved for the ammunition manufacturer? The shell, made in a different factory, is serialized ON THE INSIDE and must then be matched to the SAME serial number bullet. Ammo will cost $200 a box! It's a backdoor way to ban law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.
ReplyDeleteThere is legislative action being lobbied for, but it has not been enacted, and is being pushed for by a private corporation that has the patent.
Be pissed at that corporation. seriously.