Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Monster's Favorites

This is some of the music that Andrew Berwick, aka Anders Behring Breivik, particularly admires. He recommends some nationalist themed songs from a band called Saga (and some other stuff that doesn't ring my bell).

The Saga singer has a nice voice, and on their face I kind of like the songs. The lyrics are unusual, but were I to hear them out of the blue I wouldn't take much note of them. They certainly wouldn't inspire me to nationalist violence, or even to nationalism (one of humanity's illnesses). But then, I prefer this sort of thing: With God On Our Side and The Band Played Waltzing Matilda. As for the non-Saga stuff Breivik recommends, it's not my cup of tea at all.

In his Manifesto he wrote of Saga:
I will now show you several music tracks you should acquire as soon as possible which are ideal for the purpose of maintaining a high level of motivation and confidence:

Motivational music tracks, artist: Saga

Saga is a courageous, Swedish, female nationalist-oriented musician who creates pop-music with patriotic texts. She is, as far as I know, the best and most talented patriotic musician in the English speaking world. And for those of you, like myself, who hates "metal", Saga is one of the few sources available that offers quality patriotic pop-music with brilliant texts. Most of the tracks are in English and some are in Swedish.

Marxist and multiculturalist character-assassins will claim that Saga is an evil, national-socialist monsterband from hell, due to her success. However, this characteristic couldn't be anywhere further from the truth. Although the environment surrounding Saga, the former NSF – National Sosialistisk Forening (a former Swedish Indigenous Rights Movement demonised as "evil Nazi monsters"), used to be self-proclaimed national socialists; it has become evident that most of them now has embraced a more national conservative ideological denomination of conservatism, very similar to that of Knights Templar Europe. Saga has created several pop-tracks with nationalist-oriented texts that will appeal to all conservatives, and especially revolutionary conservatives of all conservative ideological denominations.

Saga has the credibility to use the texts presented vocally as she has been a Swedish and European conservative resistance fighter for more than 10 years, working for the political and cultural interests of Sweden and the interests of all Swedes, Scandinavians and Europeans. Saga and similar patriotic heroes and heroines of Scandinavia, who unlike individuals like myself who has yet to come out of the "revolutionary conservative closet", has had to face political persecution and demonisation for years. Yet they continue their brave struggle to prevent the demographical and cultural genocide of the Scandinavian and European tribes. Instead of "physical" revolutionary or democratic resistance, she fights through her music by inspiring the best in us.

I discovered Sagas music relatively late, in 2008, but have enjoyed it ever since. I have listened to many of the tracks several hundred times and I don't seem to get tired of them. I would HIGHLY recommend that all Justiciar Knights of Europe and other revolutionary conservatives use these tracks for self-motivating purposes. Don't just listen to the tracks but learn the texts as well. It has worked brilliantly for me and it will likely work just as well for you. However, "soon-to-become conservative martyrs" should be careful when acquiring the tracks (use anonymizer software and take other necessary precautions) as it is likely that the distribution of the music is monitored by the Swedish intelligence agency, under directive of the Swedish multiculturalist regime.

So here are the Saga songs Breivik recommends:

One Nation Arise
Life is a struggle in these changing times
Thoughts once natural are now classed as hate crimes
Those now in power, they fear no one but one
A man with open eyes and a sober mind so strong

It's been said before, but still we do not heed

To free the enslaved minds of the sleeping mass
we must cast away the yokes, ignore status and class
Barriers were built to make us forget blood ties
And now we aren't as one, and egos benefits on lies

It's been said before, but still we do not heed

Folk and Nation first, and blood - not personal greed
And it's been said before, but still we do not heed
Free your enslaved minds and open up your eyes and see
The strength of your people, one Nation arise!

It is good versus evil, it's the eternal fight
To overcome the darkness we must spreed the light

It's been said before, but still we do not heed

Folk and nation first, and blood - not personal greed
And it's been said before, but still we do not heed
Free your enslaved minds and open up your eyes and see
The strength of your people, one nation arise!

Too many people spend their time
spreading gossips and complaints
they seek someone to hang
they seek someone to blame
In their search for a scapegoat they forgot to look in the mirror
apathy of weak people is what caused this daily horror

You're the one - the one to blame, oho
People like you - cause us pain, oho
You're the one - the one to blame, oho
Start to act - but use your brain
Use your brain, now

People like you who haven't got
the guts to stand up for your views
you forget the simple fact
it's people like you who makes us loose
You complain about the politicians
but still you vote them in
you've lost your soul
you coward to sell your pride is a sin

You're the one - the one to blame, oho
People like you - cause us pain, oho
You're the one - the one to blame, oho
Start to act - but use your brain
Use your brain, oho
Use your brain

You complain about the immigration
you really make me sick
it was your vote that opened the border
you filthy hypocrite
You say one thing but do another
just how weak can one man be
You're the reason for our misery
so blame yourself and don't blame me

You're the one - the one to blame, oho
People like you - cause us pain, oho
You're the one - the one to blame, oho
Start to act - but use your brain
Use your brain, oho

You're the one - the one to blame, oho
People like you - cause us pain, oho
You're the one - the one to blame, oho
Start to act - but use your brain
Use your brain, now

Black Bannered Legion
Raise the flag of solid black
to keep the memory alive
Of black clad legions
who fought and died for our folk in '45
Black is the colour of mourming for the martyrs of Vinland too
Matthew and Kirk and Singer and Rockwell and Kahl stood true

Raise the flag of destiny
as black as the wing of a raven
And change it not nor raise another
'til we have a folkish haven
Raise the flag of destiny
the flag of destiny

Black is the colour of midnight which
the tyrant shall learn to dread
As we honour fallen martyrs with steal and fire and led
The ancient Aryan Symbol is also drawn in black
so underneath that colour
we will take our Nations back

Raise the flag of destiny
as black as the wing of a raven
And change it not nor raise another
'til we have a folkish haven
Raise the flag of destiny

And when we have that land of our own
then on that holy ground
we'll plant our flag of raven black
upon a scared mound

Raise the flag of destiny
as black as the wing of a raven
And change it not nor raise another
'til we have a folkish haven
Raise the flag of destiny
Raise the flag of destiny
as black as the wing of a raven
And change it not nor raise another
'til we have a folkish haven
Raise the flag of destiny

Ode To A Dying People (he says it's the most popular track on Saga's album On My Own)
Eyes shining bright with unspilt tears,
Thinking about all these wasted years.
Everything worth living for is gone,
Brother, i find it hard to keep fighting on.
Falling down towards the abyss,
The reaper embraces me with his kiss;
It makes me want to refuse to care,
To watch this all unfold - too much to bear.

If this is the way it ends -
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness

Disease encroaching on all i hold dear,
Somehow i gotta get my soul outta here.
Heart of agony, faint burning hope,
I'm finding it hard to try to cope . . .

Because liars own the world with conquering poise,
In a wasteland of meaningless noise;
We don't stand a chance with dormant pride,
The heroes of our race have already died . . .

If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends. . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .

To imagine it has all come down to this,
Apathy and suicidal bliss . . .

It's all over except for the cryin',
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion . . .

The greatest race to ever walk the earth,
Dying a slow death with insane mirth,
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed,
White man, fight the flight towards the grave . . .

If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .
If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .

Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way, i can't bear to witness . . .

The Nation's Fate
The best are condemned to useless lives
when chaos regimes and the merchant thrieves
The basest sort then make sport
of those who die with anguished cry
because they told the Nations fate

Gods of the rabble are greed and lust
love and honour turned to dust
Patriots in cages and liars as sages
the tyrants rage in every age

Black is white and evil is good
and nothing pure is understood
Emotions grow cold and the future is sold
the senses are sated and the prophets are hated
because they told the Nations fate

Gods of the rabble are greed and lust
love and honour turned to dust
Patriots in cages and liars as sages
the tyrants rage in every age

The state and the press and the church are a tool
an honest man is labelled a fool
Every man must abase
every kin and every race
Or face the fearsome despots plan
to destroy every man

The whores of merchant pave the road to hell
twisting words to weave a spell
Master deceivers making believers
misleading men with a cunning pen
to hate those who tell the Nations fate

Gods of the rabble are greed and lust
love and honour turned to dust
Patriots in cages and liars as sages
the tyrants rage in every age
Gods of the rabble are greed and lust
love and honour turned to dust
Patriots in cages and liars as sages
the tyrants rage in every age

Tomorrow Belongs To Me
The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The branch of the linden is leafy and
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs to me"

Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!

The Snow Fell
He sat in a room
in a square of the color of blood.
He'd rule the whole world
if there was a way that he could.
He'd sit and he'd stare
at the minreds on top of the towers.
For he was a beast
as he hatched his new plans to gain power.

And the snow fell
covering the dreams and ideals.
And the snow fell
freezing the blood and the wheels.
And the snow fell
they had to keep up for survival.
And the snow fell
defeating the beast's only rival.

They took the old roads
that Napoleon had taken before.
They fought as a force as a light
against the darkness in a holy war.
One day they were looking around
and the sun was shining on the cold flowers.
The next day they were freezing to death
in the sleet and the ice cold showers.


Then came the deadly roads
back from the stairs of their retreat.
The cold racked their bodies
but worse was the pain of defeat.
Many people who had hailed them once
now turned and looked away.
These people now knew
that the beast was on it's way.


You finally came back
to the borders of your fatherland.
Now enemies came
traitors everywhere at hand.
Many people who had fought and died
knowing that they had to win.
It still sickens my heart
to see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.


Breivik lists 5 other tracks in Swedish, and goes on to say he'd limited his list to those he felt were worthy and available.

Breivik continues:

Other artists:

Lux Aeterna by the English composer and musician Clint Mansell
Comment: I love this work. Lux Aeterna means "eternal light" and it really is an appropriate title. I've listened to this track several hundred times and I never seem to get tired of it. The track is very inspiring and invokes a type of passionate rage within you. In Lord of the Rings – a good version of this track (Requiem for a Tower version which I think is the best) is performed during the most intense fighting of one of the central battles. Since it has worked for me, it is likely that it will
work for you. An invigorating piece of art.

Motivational music tracks, artist: Helene Bøksle
The following is Helene Bøksle`s - Age of Conan theme music. Three of the tracks surpass almost anything I've heard before. The tracks are in old Norse tongue (old Norwegian), truly epic, very
powerful and motivational and even worthy of playing during a martyrdom operation (in addition to Saga and Clint Mansell).

Track 1: The Dreaming - Ere the World Crumbles (live version)

Track 2: Nighttime journey through the Eiglophian mountains (Ascending Cimmeria)

Track 3: The Dreaming Anew - Memories of Cimmeria

Imagine the following; at the end of your mission, when you have completed your primary objectives - imagine fighting for your life against a pursuing pack of system protectors (or as I like
to call them: armed defenders of the multiculturalist system, also referred to as the police). You try to avoid confrontation but they eventually manage to surround you. You hear this song as you push forward to annihilate one of their flanks, head shotting two of your foes in bloody fervor trying to survive. This angelic voice sings to you from the heavens, strengthening your resolve in a hopeless battle. Your last desperate thrust kills another two of your enemies. But it isn't enough as you are now completely surrounded; your time is now. This voice is all you hear as your light turns to darkness and you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. This must surely be the most glorious way to claim the honour of martyrdom in battle.

The following is also decent track for maintaining a high morale during a limited battle confrontation although it lacks vocal:

The Awakening - Hyborian Adventures

I'm certainly not about to read the 1500+ pages of Breivik's "Manifesto", but jumping down the pages and scanning a bit is an interesting experience. The guy seems pretty bright, and clearly put a lot of work into compiling the thing. He claims credit for having written about half of it.

The music stuff above starts in page 848, and there's an eye-catching section entitled "There are no atheists in foxholes" starting on page 1344, in which he discusses the value of pragmatic prayer (prayer by even an atheist in the heat of battle for it's calming power).

Whatever dude. You should have smoked some pot instead of whatever toxic shit you ingested.

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