Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Lost War -

The Lost War -

Wow! And in the mainstream press, too.
Could anything replace the war on drugs? There's no easy answer. In May, the Senlis Council, a group that works on the opium issue in Afghanistan, argued that "current counter-narcotics policies . . . have focused on poppy eradication, without providing farmers with viable alternatives." Instead of eradication, the council, which is made up of senior politicians and law enforcement officials from Canada and Europe, concludes that Afghan farmers should be permitted to grow opium that can then be refined and distributed for medical purposes. (That's not going to happen, as the United States has recently reiterated its commitment to poppy eradication.)

Others argue that the only way to minimize the criminality and social distress that drugs cause is to legalize narcotics so that the state may exert proper control over the industry. It needs to be taxed and controlled, they insist.

In Washington, the war on drugs has been a third-rail issue since its inauguration. It's obvious why -- telling people that their kids can do drugs is the kiss of death at the ballot box. But that was before 9/11. Now the drug war is undermining Western security throughout the world. In one particularly revealing conversation, a senior official at the British Foreign Office told me, "I often think we will look back at the War on Drugs in a hundred years' time and tell the tale of 'The Emperor's New Clothes.' This is so stupid."

How right he is.

1 comment:

  1. The Senlis Council's proposals seem to be one of the most practical ways of dealing with opium and sending the benefits back to the Afghan people and to the international forces, by improving economic conditions. See their most recent technical blueprint for a poppy for medicine project ( The US is not alone in Afghanistan and however influential they may seem they need their Canadian and British allies. These allies are suffering from the failed eradication policies that are making things so tough for troops battling the Taliban who are winning support by defending impoverished poppy farmers. Britain and Canada, as well as the Netherlands, owe it to their soldiers and to Afghans to refocus their efforts into alternative development and aid.
