And I will be elected President of the United States that very same year! Imagine that.
The Moroccan government says it plans to completely eradicate cannabis by 2008.
The UNODC [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime] says the biggest challenge is finding other ways farmers like Mohammed can survive.Alternative crops "haven't always worked", eh? Alternative crops "haven't really addressed the problem"?
"There have been lots of past attempts to find alternative crops, but they haven't always worked, because cannabis is a crop that commands such an inflated price," explained Abdeslam Dahmane from development agency Targa which works closely with the UNODC.
"There have been attempts at introducing apples, vines and things like that but they haven't really addressed the problem.
"It's not a question of replacing cannabis with apples, vines or avocados. The question is replacing the incredibly dynamic economy of cannabis, with an equally dynamic economy - that is also legal."
Alternative crops haven't "addressed the problem"? What is the problem, anyway? What's the problem really? It starts with a "P". Come on, UNODC, you can do it if you try. Just say it. Come on...
Ah... I give up.
One more time, UNODC, you're almost there: "It's not a question of replacing cannabis with apples, vines or avocados. The question is replacing the incredibly dynamic economy of cannabis, with an equally dynamic economy - that is also legal."
"... that is also legal." Come on, you're so close! Say it! "P". "R". "O". "H". ...
Damn! They're either stubborn or corrupt.
OK, once more: "... the incredibly dynamic economy of cannabis". Please! Just try. Think about it. Why is there an "incredibly dynamic economy of cannabis"?
Try! "P". "R". ...
Khalid Zerouali from the Moroccan Interior Ministry says Europe's seemingly insatiable demand for cannabis is still the main obstacle to eradicating it completely.No shit, Sherlock.
"I think in Europe there has to be an awareness of how to tackle that demand."Please, exactly what awareness is that? Police the crap out of them? Seal their borders? Spread the incredibly powerful meme of "Just say no"?
It is thought that the urgency with which they are now acting stems from international pressure to address the drug problem.
Some intelligence experts believe the militant group which bombed trains in Madrid in 2004 was largely funded by cannabis trafficking.
And why were they able to be largely funded by cannabis trafficking (assuming, as unlikely as it may be, that such is not just a bunch of drug warrior bullshit)? Why would these terrorists have been able to fund themselves through cannabis trafficking as opposed to, say, trafficking in lettuce or squash?
Risk is part of the cost of doing business. With illegal drugs, it's the biggest part. If you're willing to accept the risk, then you get to keep the profit until you get caught. If you're willing to kill the competition and/or the cops, then maybe you can escape paying the risk penalty by doubling up. If you're planning to kill yourself anyway, you're ahead of the game.
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame that even the BBC can't denounce Prohibition.