Saturday, August 05, 2006

Christian Casts Off Republicanism

Mike Heath -- Why I've Had It

A month ago I unenrolled from the Republican Party. I want to tell you why.

It's because the Republicans he joined when he found the other party to be a "moral orgy" turned out to be a big tent that doesn't reflect Jesus' commands. Mike is a social conservative who wants to ram his morals down other people's throats.

Look. Christians either condemn sex outside of marriage, and work for laws that do the same, or we stop pretending on Sunday mornings. Christianity is either good for every part of our lives, or it isn't real.


"..., and work for laws that do the same, ..."

Work for laws...

"Christianity is either good for every part of our lives, ...

Our lives?

Everyone who thinks like Mike should leave the Republican party. If the Republicans became a little more like Goldwater then maybe I'd join them. In the meantime, the unnatural alliance of libertarians and fundies turns me off.

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