Friday, August 25, 2006

California Hemp Bill Passes Final Senate and Assembly Votes; AB 1147 Heads to Governor's Desk for Signature - Yahoo! News

California Hemp Bill Passes Final Senate and Assembly Votes; AB 1147 Heads to Governor's Desk for Signature - Yahoo! News

There are already half a dozen or more states with similar laws, yet there is no domestic hemp production because of the federal War on Some Drugs. Part of me wants Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign this bill into law, irrespective of the supremacy of the federal Controlled Substances Act, even if only to spit in the fed's eye. He told them to piss off with respect to stem cells and he should do the same with respect to industrial hemp.

What really needs to happen is the repeal of prohibition. I wonder whether passage of the California Industrial Hemp Farming Act might somehow delay that day.

Were I Californian this would be a letter to the Governor asking for his signature on the bill.

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