I have no use for Focus on the Family, especially now.
Here it is, April 11 2006, and the idea that Eric Pianka advocates genocide has been destroyed by transcripts published by the very outlet that set off the flap. Here is this pack of religionists, though, still claiming that
Pianka says 6.5 billion people living on the planet is too many and he's calling for a 90% reduction.At this point, the claim that Pianka is "calling for a 90% reduction" in human population is quite simply a lie.
The piece does contain some good news, though. They say that according to some poll, "only 9% of born again believers have a Christian worldview." What this really means is that only 9% of the born again share Focus on the Family's worldview.
For that I can only cheer, but then it gets annoying again. See it in the comments section if you're interested.
ReplyDeleteApril 10, 2006
The Radical Nature of Population Control
by Kim Trobee
Environmentalism and Christianity are often at odds. A college professor is evidence of why the rift exists.
According to Genesis, we’re made in the image of God. According to Eric Pianka, a professor at the University of Texas, we’re no more important than bacteria. Pianka says 6.5 billion people living on the planet is too many and he’s calling for a 90% reduction. Pianka cautions students, “Every one of you who gets to survive has to bury nine.” It’s part of his “doomsday talk” that outlines humanity’s failings and his predictions for how it will end. Joe D’Agostino with the Population Research Institute says the concept is nothing new. Thousands of years ago a belief existed that human reproduction was harmful to the earth.
“And the same idea is here today and sometimes goes under the name radical environmentalism.”
Although, he says today’s movement is taking a sinister turn.
“These radical environmentalists are anti-people, they’re anti-human. It really goes to show the real hatred among scientists and others for the human race.”
According to a Barna poll, only 9% of born again believers have a Christian worldview. D’Agostino claims Christians are “wimpy” in their stand for Christ and let radicals like Pianka run rampant.
“Instead they allow themselves to be intimidated, they accept the idea that religious freedom means freedom from religion and they’re worried about offending people.”
Gary Alan Taylor with Focus on the Family’s Truth Project says that’s why they teach a Christian worldview.
“It does give you an understanding of God’s design for all of life and then it leads us into a very practical way in which we can engage culture.”
D’Agostino fears if we don’t engage that culture soon, we could be in for more than just a pandemic.