Sunday, February 05, 2006

Carlos and Danielle

Carlos and Danielle went walking in the desert near where I live one day not long ago. I happened to follow some of their very footsteps yesterday.

The desert is a great place for a walk, especially if you can share that time with someone you care for.

Along the way, Carlos and Danielle would have seen one great vista after another, and might have marveled at what they had available to them right in their own back yard.

Carlos and Danielle might have become entranced by the details of some of the magnificent rock formations at hand in Papago Park, and might have given thanks for the wisdom and foresight of past city fathers who set aside these areas for their, and their children's, enjoyment.

Carlos and Danielle might have reflected on how the setting evoked spiritual feelings in the Hohokam people who used to live in the area so many hundreds of years ago.

Carlos and Danielle surely found a serene spot in which they could enjoy each other's company in the sort of peace and seclusion that, unlike a great many people on Earth, they didn't need to long for.

But no. Carlos and Danielle were out to mark the desert like a couple of dogs in heat.

Carlos and Danielle forever? I doubt it. Not unless they became a lot more considerate of each other than they were of other people on that day in 2003.

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