Sunday, October 30, 2005

Black Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is a DEA ongoing program using the memory of Kiki Camarena, the agent tortured and killed back in early 1985 by drug runners in Guadalajara, Mexico, after having been kidnapped by Mexican cops in their employ.

What the poor man suffered was awful - anyone treating another human being as Camarena was treated is a monster who should be killed. Period. In fact, anyone who treats any creature as Camarena was treated is a monster who should be killed. Period. What was done to Camarena proves (yet again) the falsehood of "inherent human dignity" dogma.

Using Camarena's gruesome death to tug at people's heart strings in a "let him not have died in vain" manner is to be expected from those who benefit from the continuing symbiotic farce of a "drug war".

Read Michael Fitzgerald's piece, Bleak News From the Drug War. [Updated link]

Read I Volunteer to Kidnap Ollie North by Mike Levine, one of Camarena's fellow drug agents.

The drug war produces nothing but ill effects. Red Ribbon Week uses Camarena's memory to propagandize for the continuation of this farce. This dishonors Camarena (who did, in fact, die in vain).

I am a conscientious objector in the war on drugs.

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