Saturday, August 13, 2005

The New Republic Online: Creations

The New Republic Online: Creations: "The cunning souls who propound intelligent design are playing with fire, because they have introduced intelligence into the discussion."

HA! That's just the opening line.

Actually, the opening sentence is softened a bit by the one following. The author, probably being a nice guy, may prefer that I place the two in continuity:

"The cunning souls who propound intelligent design are playing with fire, because they have introduced intelligence into the discussion. It is a standard to which they, too, must be held."

Here are some more gems:

[I]ntelligent design was prompted by the consequences of literalism in the interpretation of Scripture.
Sanctity is not an excuse for stupidity.
Truth is never heresy, except for those who make their religion vulnerable to truth.
The gates of figurative interpretation were opened in my face, and I grew up.

"..., and I grew up." Yeah!!

And finally:

For His agents on Earth have cultural uses for anti-Darwinism. They think it will make us good, because Darwin makes us bad. No doubt this is why President Bush wants "to expose people to different schools of thought," and have intelligent design taught alongside evolution: to retard our corruption. But isn't the idea that morality is founded in nature itself a sin of materialism? And are we to teach other false ideas alongside other true ones? I do not want my son to waste his time on phlogiston. I mean, what is truth? The question is begged yet again, this time by the pomo of Crawford.

What is truth? The question is begged yet again...

...the pomo of Crawford.

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