Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Hyprogen Economy?

The Daily Telegraph | Hydrogen to 'solve energy crisis': "In Brisbane for the Austmine Mining Innovation from Downunder Conference, Mr Macfarlane said he believed hydrogen fast fusion technology, under development in the United States, was the only viable alternative energy source."

Various sources have uncritically picked up on this comment by the Australian federal Industry and Resources Minister Hon. Ian Macfarlane.

Trouble is, what is this thing he is said to have called "hydrogen fast fusion"? Every Google or Clusty or Lexis Nexis search I did found nothing except in reference to his comment. If I exclude "Macfarlane" from the search ("hydrogen fast fusion" AND NOT "Macfarlane") I get no hits at all.

A site search at his Departments web site yields no hits.

It seems either the term is Mr. Macfarlane's, or he was misrepresented. I'll email him to request a clarification.

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