Every day, it seems, there is a piece in the news that deepens my contempt for national and international drug policy, and for those who insist on resisting reform and staying the course.
The refusal to recognize that, no matter what, people will go out of their way to get intoxicated, coupled with the refusal to recognize that the prohibition approach to the drugs problem only makes things worse, reflects deep corruption in the halls of power.
Contemporary drugs policy does not serve the public interest. It is harmful to the public interest.
Contemporary drugs policy serves only special interests, including drug cartels, insurgent groups, and the prison/cop complex.
It's all about the money. It's all about the power. It has nothing to do with the public interest.
God damn you people!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Deep corruption evident in drugs policy
Friday, March 05, 2010
New Jersey snow sculpture
The appropriate response, upon having been informed by a policeman that a neighbor had found a snow sculpture of Venus de Milo too risque, might have been to decline to cover or knock down the scupture, but to immediately sculpt a six foot phallus right next to it.
As it is, I think the "more objectified and sexualized" response was pretty good, too.
What's wrong with people?