I wasn't able to find, in the short time it was worth, the wording of the Swiss proposal to ban the minaret, but I gather it specified minarets and not steeples or other intrusive religious power structures.
To the extent the measure was specific to the islamic symbol, I would not have supported it because of the discriminatory nature of the ban.
Want to ban minarets? I'd be all in favor, but only if you ban steeples, too.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Just minarets?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
"The American people," Senator McConnell?
> "The American people are asking us to stop
> this bill and we're going to do anything and
> everything we can to prevent this measure from
> becoming law," [Senator McConnell] said.
No, Senator McConnell, "the American people" are most certainly NOT asking any such thing of you.
What's being asked of you, and not by "the American people," is to preserve present arrangements. The ones asking it of you are 1) special interests making big money from the status quo and 2) ideologues, along with followers manipulated into believing in death panels.
"The American people." Whenever I hear or read that phrase it sets off my bullshit alarm.
""The American people are asking us to stop this bill and we're going to do anything and everything we can to prevent this measure from becoming law," he said."
- BBC News - US healthcare bill passes first Senate hurdle in vote (view on Google Sidewiki)