Tuesday, September 30, 2008

SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - The End of Arrogance: America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - The End of Arrogance: America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:
$596 trillion
Wow! Dat's a big nummer!
The triumphalism of the Bush years could easily be followed by the "I'll-sit-this-one-out" years of an Obama administration committed to a strict policy of belt-tightening. If that happens, both old and new Europe will have to demonstrate whether the European Union can rightfully claim to be on an equal footing with the United States.

In the past, the US government's solo efforts provided the Europeans with an all-too-comfortable excuse for simply doing nothing. But that excuse is no longer valid.
Maybe that'll be a good thing.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Op-Ed Contributor - The children of presidents and vice presidents shouldn’t be in combat. - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - The children of presidents and vice presidents shouldn’t be in combat. - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com:
My inescapable conclusion, therefore, is that the assignment to Iraq or Afghanistan of a service member who is the son or daughter of a president or vice president does not make sense. No matter what the young person’s desires or career needs are, they are of little importance compared with ensuring that our leaders are able to stay focused on the important business of the nation — and not worrying about the fate of a child a world away. Personally, I would like to see someone of stature like Secretary of Defense Robert Gates arbitrarily reassign them. Too much is at stake.
I always thought it was stupid to allow such high-profile people to be placed in harm's way.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Seven Hundred Billion Dollars

The Dark Wraith Forums / Cadre:
"... Okay, where is Congress going to get that $700 billion?"
Dark Wraith Forums has become a regular stop on my rounds. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but this post reflects part of the reason in the quality of the author's writing.

When I first stumbled upon Dark Wraith Forums, I was distracted by little things like "Dark Wraith has spoken" and a couple of thematically related elements of the presentation. Very quickly, though, I came to interpret those simply as playful edges on a serious man's presentation. Gilding on a sword, engraving on a pistol.

The author, whoever he is, Dark Wraith, seems likely to be exactly what he claims to be, a long time, award winning teacher. His writing reflects talent and care. It's a pleasure to read.

Maybe the reason I like Dark Wraith Forums has to do with confirmation bias. There are plenty of other, well-known economists out there to whom I might have continued paying attention but did not. I still read Krugman, and when I see an article by Fred Banks I read it, but I generally regard economists as just another priesthood.

I wonder if Dark Wraith was one of the 500 economists polled for Scott Adams?

Naaa... Probably not.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LEAP - Press Releases › Another successful battle in the War on Drugs?

LEAP - Press Releases › Another successful battle in the War on Drugs?
The police, judges, prosecutors, and prison wardens of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition understand that ending alcohol prohibition in 1933 put Al Capone and all his smuggling buddies out of business overnight. They were no longer on our streets killing each other to control that lucrative market, no longer killing police charged with fighting that useless war, no longer killing our children caught in crossfire and drive-by shootings.
What they said.

S. T. U. P. I. D.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Prominent Clinton backer and DNC member to endorse McCain � - Blogs from CNN.com

I thought this was satire, what with the Lady de Rothschild calling Mr. Obama an elitist.

To my way of thinking, any woman (any person) who would switch from Obama-Biden to McCain-Palin on the basis that Mrs. Clinton isn't on the Democratic ticket is acting very stupidly.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Editorial - A Message From John McCain - Editorial - NYTimes.com

Editorial - A Message From John McCain - Editorial - NYTimes.com:
The most disheartening aspect of a scurrilous Republican ad falsely accusing Barack Obama of promoting sex education for kindergarten children is its closing line: “I’m John McCain, and I approved this message.”
Win at any cost, eh?

I wonder if there's a way to impose refereeing on the electoral process in this country?


Who would be the referees? What could be the penalty for using lies to win elections? How could the process of refereeing be made timely enough to make a difference? How much of the Constitution would have to be amended in order to establish that lies are not free speech, that organizations are not persons? How subtle a lie could be dealt with effectively?

I'm afraid McCain/Palin may pull this off somehow. What I'm more afraid of is a repeat of 2000 and an appointed Presidency. People in the streets?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bridge to Nowhere?

As much as I dislike McCain and Palin and Stevens and earmarks, I'm somewhat put out by the epithet, "Bridge to Nowhere".

It's not a bridge to nowhere. It's a bridge to the airport.

It bothers me that it apparently took application of an underhanded epithet to kill an earmark that should never have been. On the other hand, could it have been otherwise?