Yes, I am inclined to vote for a bipartisan ticket in 2008, as long as they don't do something stupid like nominate operators like Carville/Matalin.
Some people are against this effort because they see another spoiler. I don't care about that. As long as this thing turns out to be what it seems now to be, I say more power to them.
Here's what I'm looking for, in no particular order:
- Pro-nuclear energy and pro- other atmospherically benign energy sources with significant positive net energy. (If they promote corn ethanol I'll know they're not serious.)
- Effective administration of the death penalty
- End that massive stupidity of a drug war
- End earmarks
- Establish independent ethics watchdogs. None of this business of We won't go after yours if you don't go after ours.
- Modernize the nuclear arsenal. Have the best military, able to prevail in two simultaneous wars. DO NOT engage the military in police work or building democracy. If there's a need for military intervention, be bloody-minded, get the job done as quickly as possible, then get out
- Direct the country's (and the countries') attention to the need for sustainability.
- Promote family planning
- Immigration reform
- and so on
OK. I nominate Steve. You have my vote.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're a good speaker.
I am unelectable, which may be a good thing.
ReplyDeleteThanks anyway, though.